How we involve in our community

to outreach to the community the most that we can, we do school and community lectures along with offering volunteer hours for everyone (Children under 16 must have an adult present while volunteering) school and court ordered hours are welcome.


Community service 

Pawsibilities rescue welcomes and is thankful for all areas of community service. We try to be flexible and accommodating to every volunteers needs.

Mandated community service for school you will need to bring the paperwork from your school to confirm how many hours you will need and what school you are from. If you are under the age of 16 your parents will need to be present to sign all forms. 

Court ordered community service applicants, will need your paperwork from the courts at the appointment time arranged for community service to begin here at the rescue. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

For "your choice" or goodwill volunteering hours, anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  everyone of all ages are welcome. 

Community service here ranges from: 

  • Dog walking
  • feeding/watering animals 
  • Kennel cleaning
  • Yard maintenance
  • Cat care
  • Organizing
  • sanitizing
  • small animals care
  • livestock maintnece 

School and community held events

Here at Pawsibilities we believe education is the first step to finding responsible forever homes for animals in our care. If people know what they can and can not handle from day to day life, that will help pawsibilites rescue help them find their new family member.  Connie, our president (pictured on left), enjoys visiting schools and educating young and older students.  Educating children at any age is the first step towards responsible pet ownership. Education is the key to keep the pets in their forever homes.

Pawsibilites rescue has visited:

  • Libraies
  • Schools
  • Parks
  • Churches
  • Recreational facilities
  • Wildlife rehabilitation centers

Contact Pawsibilities for more information  about out outreach program at 517-652-9353


Emotional support ANd Therapy Animals 

Pawsibilities rescue believes strongly in pet therapy of any kind. All approved applicants, may adopt their therapy animal(Dog/cat/small animal) free of charge. We will take into consideration the needs of thee applicant and the animal in question, helping out the distressed find their forever friend is what Pawsibilities rescue strives to do.

All applicants must have a letter from their doctor or therapist stating their need for a therapy animal. If the applicant is renting, we need permission from the landlord saying they are aware of the adoption of the therapy pet.

Pawsibilities rescue has had great success matching the perfect animal with the problems that the individual is struggling with.

Anyone knowing a vetran in need of a PTSD companion please have them contact us.

If you wish to be apart of this wonderful program please feel free to donate to pawsibilites rescue to offset the cost of the adoption fee.